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LaFT ^ Bubu and Gertrudiz

Collaboration with :iconlittlecakecircle: She (Aliz) on charge of lineart and me on the coloring.

This features Bubu and Gertrude both characters belong to the shoujo comedy online webmanga Like a Fairy Tale (LaFT for short) which is currently getting published in spanish and english.



De http://vampheria.deviantart.com - Source


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Holi. ¿alguien me podria decir como subir la versión en ingles del cómic? (la que ya tengo hecha, no para traducir)


en gestionar comics, vas al capitulo y abajo te saldra "nueva version". eliges la inglesa y ya ;)

Like a Fairy Tale

Chapitre: 1 page: 48

Like a Fairy Tale

Chapitre: 1 page: 49

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